17 July 2009

Strictly Gone Bonkers

Oooh, that hit a nerve.

I've just heard that Arlene Phillips (super talented choreographer and all round dance wizzard) has been axed from the judging panel on Strictly Come Dancing, to be replaced by... Alicia Dixon.

Has the world gone mad?

Sure, singer Alicia Dixon can shake her booty fabulously and was a very popular ex-winner of the show, but she's no Arlene Phillips. It looks like a clear-cut case of beauty and youth trumping age and experience, no doubt in a greedy attempt to boost ratings by stealing a few more younger viewers from the X-factor. What a shallow world we live in! And blow me down, it doesn't really seem to affect men, does it? What's Brucey got that Arlene doesn't? OK don't answer that!

And while I'm having a rant, call me a fuddy-duddy (pass the Werthers), but is anyone else as perplexed as I am by our national obsession with CELEBS? You can't even get your hair cut without them invading your personal space these days. ENOUGH! I wish Kerry Katona would just take a one-way ticket to Iceland and be done with it, that Posh and Becks would split if only so we wouldn't have to hear any more about the jealousy, sarongs, nannies, yadayadayada. Becks is a great footballer - focus on that. Posh is a great coat hanger - fantastic! Kerry is...actually I've no idea what Kerry is, and I couldn't care less.

But I'm going to take an uncharacteristic break from my celebrity ennui and take a stand on this one:
Arlene Philips is a brilliant choreographer and judge on Strictly.
Leave her be!

And breathe...

Still there? Wondering what that rant has to do with my weight loss journey?

Simple. I rather like dancing. I used to do quite a lot of it when I was wee. And while I was far too troll-like to be good at ballet I still have my pre-Bronze medal in tap dancing, and have been known to shimmy around the living room, hairbrush in hand, with the best of 'em. So while I wait longingly for the next series, the Arlene debacle has inspired me to get off my lardy bum and seek out a salsa club. It'll help shift the pounds and, who knows, I might even get good at it.

Watch your back Alicia!

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!