13 September 2010

Cake - the ultimate cure?

George Osborne MP, pictured speaking on the la...Image via Wikipedia
Your time will come George.
Just wait till I finish this cake...
I've got wicked neck pain and a persistent headache. It's not how I wanted to start the week. It'd be worth it if I'd earned it fighting ninja turtles or baiting George Osborne but I'm apparently suffering for no good reason at all. Bummer.

What's more, it's making me want to scoff comfort food like there's no tomorrow. Cake, chocolate, you name it, if it's stodgy, I want it. I've already had some toast washed down with tea and some mega ibuprofen and I've been hovering vulture-like in the kitchen on and off all morning. 
Geneen Roth, if I read her book right, encourages the 'emotional eaters' who attend her Breaking Free workshops to eat what they want when they want it, even if it means gaining weight in the short term. Ultimately, she believes, this lead to successful long term weight loss and control.  
Sounds eminently sensible to me (having just scoffed a giant wedge of sponge cake).

However, if the fridge is empty by 5pm, I'll be having words with Ms Roth. I'm all for a bit of research but...

PS. It's National Cupcake Week too. What terrific timing. ;-)

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Tracey said...

ooh, does this mean I don't have to waste any time feeling guilty about the fish supper I consumed last night (washed down with a couple of glasses of wine, naturally) after spending a Sunday pottering about the East Neuk of Fife? If so, lovely!

Am with you on the George Osborne thing though. His time must surely come. But first, more cake...

Slimma said...

No guilt - ever. Not on my watch. It doesn't make you slim, so what's the point?

If being nice to yourself means enjoying a fish supper - go right on ahead. Just leave room for cake.

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!