11 December 2009

Slimma's Xmas Hamper recommendations

I have become quite the little mirror-glancer recently. Me, yes, the one whose sexiest black number this time last year looked more like a burka than a frock, has turned the corner and is rather amazed at the transformation that's occurred. 1.5 stones since July and not a whiff of the D word. REALLY! Not a squidely, diddly iota of calorie counting has rained on my parade, and many, many a hearty meal has been troughed. I haven't given up lattes, muffins, chocolate (though it has been cut down and is at least beginning to resemble a normal human being's annual consumption) or, in fact, anything.

Food is just no longer my Linus blanky. Yes, dear readers, I can now face the mirror, stick out my marracas with pride, and face the day sans burka.

So forgive me sisters if I sound a bit smug and preachy here for a moment, but I'm now such a card carrying member of the anti-diet movement that I can't help myself. Cue Xmas rant...

"If you REALLY want to lose weight, gals, PLEASE sort your heads out first. Dieting is bad for your mojo. I mean, come on. It is not normal to talk about points, calories, fat ounces, being 'good' or being 'bad'. This is just eating. It's part of life. Let's prove the intelligence of our sex once and for all and put a stop to all this garbage. I promise, if you do that and use your head, you WILL lose the lard, slowly and surely and forever.

There, now that I've got that off my still sizeable chest, I'm going to give another big Christmas plug to 2 of my most useful little helpers.

The Weight Less Mind - book and cds by my favourite hypnotherapist, Georgia Foster. Listen to these relaxing recordings, read the book and I guarantee you'll start thinking about your relationship with food in a whole new way. Persevere. You'll never dream of dieting again once you've read Georgia's book. It'll just seem, well, SILLY!


The Ultimate Unwind - another blissful hypnotherapy mp3, this time from the inspiring Space to Be brand. But guess what, Georgia's also working her magic here! Great for sleepless nights or when you just need 20 mins me-time. And this one's not aimed at slimmers. It's a fab Xmas pressie idea for the stress-head in your house!

Right, must dash, there's a giant coronation sub with my name on it...mmm, lunch!


No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!