1 December 2009

OOPS, I did it again!

You may have noticed I didn't quite make my target. Actually I'm a whole 6lb off it. But you know what? I don't really care! I'm a whole lot slimmer! Even Mr S has noticed (no mean feat!)

In fact I just bought a frock in a size 16, so to quote a patronising old ciggy ad, 'I've come a long way, baby!'

Inner Bitch: What are you talking about Tubs? You failed, fair and square.

Inner Goddess: Oh, leave it out. When are you ever going to get with the programme and give her a break. Didn't you hear her, she's got into a size 16. She's winning! She's not dieting, she's not even breaking into a sweat and she's disappearing before our very eyes. If that's your idea of failure, you need new specs.

Me: THanks IG! I feel GOOOOOOD. However, I feel like I've been coasting a while now and it's time to shake things up a little..give the old system a boost. So without further ado, I hearby commit to my next challege...

A bit more excercise.

Inner BItch: A bit? What exactly does that look like? Bending down and tying your shoelaces, stretching up for a tin of beans, what?

Me: NO, smarty pants, I'm returning to an old favourite. So old you only seem to get it on video tape, not DVD, these days - CALLANETICS. I'm going to hit the floor and do some serious clenching!

Inner Bitch: ha ha ha! Just as I thought, not REAL exercise at all then. God forbid you break a sweat.

Me: Scoff if you like, but I happen to know it's a deceptively tough workout.

IB: So what can we expect to see from you by 1 January then, oh, bendy flexy goddess?

Me: Considerably more toned arms will do for starters. Callan's also promised me a peachy bum and a washboard stomach, but even I think that might be a miracle too far in a month.

Let operation BINGO WING BLASTER commence!

PS> It's been a while since I did Callanetics. I hope 1980s poodle hair is not an obligatory side effect!

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!