24 November 2009

Fat lass returns with amnesia


Cream cakes?


A wild party that required considerable recuperation time?

Yes, yes, yes! I have succumbed to all of the above over the past 3 weeks BIG TIME. Apart from the aliens, that is. (Unless you can count folk dressed as boats, Egyptian obelisks or cinemas as aliens? Jury's out on that one.)

Anyway, it's about time I took my little blog a bit more seriously again. And it's also high time I stepped away from the Waitrose New York cheesecake (cold turkey is to be expected), beer, G&T and dresssing-up box and tip-toe meekly back onto the scales. But I think that can wait till tomorrow.

You'll know when I've done it. You'll be able to hear the screams in Antarctica.

All I will say is this. I've enjoyed my wild reprieve so thanks for your patience! I'm slowly clambering back onto the Slimma Express now.

Hey, where did that tyre come from?

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!