17 February 2010

Wake up call

I hate it when I whine and mope. It gives me ugly frown lines and, it appears, stops the pounds falling off. Am I just imagining that? Nope, the scales (sadly) don't lie. Since coming back from my ski holiday a month ago I've been more than a tad grumpy about life (read 'miserable old bag') and, would you look at that, I've only lost a pound!

I can't help feeling there's a connection, so I decided to take it up with the Universe. (I've always hated poor customer service)

Hey, I know I said I was not going to set myself time goals anymore but, as my blog is my witness, I don't remember saying I wanted my mission to grind to a virtual standstill. Give a girl a break!

'Stop your wingeing and it's a deal,' she said flatly.

'You're on!'

See, what I've been forgetting to do whilst preoccupied with my post holiday blues was to get up every morning and focus. Instead I've picked up a few of my old 'fat girl' habits: never looking in the mirror other than critically, not caring too much about my appearance, and forgetting to spend some time daily imagining how great it will be when I reach my goal size.

Blimey, if I can let it all go to hell in a handbasket in less than a month on the tide of a low mood, I'm going to have to be a whole lot more vigilent.

It's time to track down Inner Goddess and get her out of hiding.

Expect more blogs...

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!