30 August 2010

Half baked evolution

I'm working in my favourite local cafe, just had a great meeting and I'm now coveting a cinnamon bun.
God I love cinnamon buns, in all their stodgy baked loveliness. But I'm not so wild about the calories and fat content. Whoever thought that was a good idea? Why can't lettuce be bad for you, or gherkins or brussel sprouts (the ultimate evil). WHY?
I know I'm not ever going to get a sensible answer to that, but I do question the workings of the universe on this issue. We evolved to use our enormous human brains to invent baking did we not? Surely that's worth some kind of ingenuity reward, not the punishment of a spare tyre and a fast-track ticket to heart disease?
I've got it written down in my 'Questions to ask if I ever get to the pearly gates' petition.
In the meantime, I've got a bun to eat.
Come here my lovely! Mmmmmmm.

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!