1 September 2010

A dose of the midlifes

Sailing on the NileImage via Wikipedia
I'm 42 tomorrow.
How did that happen? Just yesterday I was 28.
Anyway, I'm worried that the treacle-like cloak of blah-ness that's clinging to me this week might just be the cusp of a mid-life crisis.
So by way of exorcism, here are the facts:
1. I can't stop dreaming about running off to exotic locations. Two nights ago it was trekking in Peru, and last night I was cruising down the Nile with Mr Slimma on a feluka... until I woke up with a rather pressing urge to pee. (Darn that 10pm cup of tea!).
2. I am increasingly indecisive about the stupidest stuff, and no, not just once a month. Gormlessly gaping into cupboards, I agonise: Shreddies or Bran Flakes? Black socks or blue? 
3. I shout at the news - a lot.
But on a more positive note:
1. This rise in grumpy old woman tendencies seems quite fitting for a bespectacled, comfortable shoe and anorak wearing soul like myself. Perhaps I'm just getting comfortable in my skin. Perhaps this is really who I am?  Anyway, I am for the first time ever IN FASHION. Yes, hem watchers, geek fashion is where it's at this season!
2. Indecisiveness may be paralysing, but my frustration at the same old same old has begun to open up a whole new world of possibilities. If not Shreddies, what? Dammit, the whole cereal aisle is my oyster!  And just think what might happen if I wore red socks today!
3. The news does not answer back, which is terrifically empowering.
So....mid-life crisis? Nah, I don't think the label fits.
And it's not the only label that doesn't fit. Remind me, why did I jubilantly chuck out my fat pants earlier this year?
Blogging (and therefore slimming!)  will recommence no doubt after I've eaten my way out of the birthday blues - See you next week!
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Tracey said...

Hmm, I'm constantly guilty of points 1 and 3 too.....anyway I hope you have a fabby biurthday and get spoilt rotten by those around you. You'll probably find the blues lift straight after the birthday, oddly enough.

Slimma said...

Thanks Tracey, I'm sure you're right! Have a nice weekend when it comes.

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!