14 July 2009

Saboteur 1: The hungry husband?

Is it just me, or does anyone else blame their other half for their weight gain?

I know, I know, it's not 'really' a valid excuse as we are each responsible for what we put in our mouths, but as mr slimma devoured half a loaf of bread before dinner last night - a common occurrence - I noticed it wasn't half making me ravenous.

By the time dinner was ready (healthy tacos, if anyone's interested) a pack of half starved wolves couldn't have devoured it faster than I did.

But unfortunately by the time 9pm came along and I was sitting down to enjoy the delectable Simon Baker in The Mentalist, I felt ravenous again. (Yes, I know, Simon Baker is enough to make any woman with a pulse ravenous, but I digress).

So what did I do? Did I head to the fridge to track down some cheese, raid the biscuit tin, or hover in front of the fridge until soggy celery miraculously became appetising? No, dear reader, I did not! I thought about it for a moment and realised that I was just acting on impulse. I wasn't really hungry. In the end a cup of peppermint tea did the trick.

So I have to conclude that my husband really isn't to blame. It's not his fault that he can eat for Britain (and a few other generously sized islands) without putting on an ounce.

It's down to me to stop and THINK about what I'm eating; to consider whether or not I'm actually hungry or if I'm just overeating on autopilot.

Hang on, let me check my CV. Yes, there it is...

Skills: Autopilot eating expert.

Hmm. Definitely time for a rethink.

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!