30 July 2009

Shop till you drop!

Watch out Edinburgh. Inner Goddess is dragging me out shopping today.
It's likely to go something like this…

Me: Don't know why you're bothering. NOTHING EVER FITS RIGHT!

IG: You haven't even got off the bus yet so how about you drop the attitude and give it a chance?

Me (sulking): Fine, but I don't see why today will be any different. When I die and they come to carry out my corpse, I'll probably still be wearing my jeans and this b****y blue anorak. 'Wow,' they'll be saying, 'cool vintage outfit! She should be in a museum!'

IG: Stop exaggerating. There's lots of nice clothes out there, even for you! I'm confident we'll find you something.

Me: Prove it!

IG (determined): You're on!

4 hours and 15 fitting rooms later…

IG (exasperated): Now that IS lovely. No, it doesn't make you look like an explosion in a sausage factory. No, your bum is not going to black out the sun, and NO I don't think the colour could best be described as one shade lighter than slurry . Honestly, I despair. I give up. You win! Let's go home.

Me: OK, but there's just one more place I'd like to try first.

Back on the bus...

Me (vindicated!): Told you it was a total waste of time!

IG (resigned!): Not entirely. I'm just LOVING the new anorak.

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!