24 July 2009

Will you survive the weekend?

It's a war zone out there!

Picture it...you've been 'good' all week, eating healthily, keeping an eye on the alcohol consumption. Suddenly it's FRIDAY! You head to the pub straight from work with the best intentions of 'just having one'. Boom, next thing you know it's noon on Saturday, your frontal-lobe is begging for mercy and the ONLY thing you can possibly do now to pacify the troups is break out the bacon.

Well, you might as well, you've already consumed an extra week's calories in one night anyway, right?

No? Lucky you!

But even if you've not been out spreading your particular brand of joy to the world on a Friday night, you'll certainly be aware of the work of some of the other guerilla squads that are out to break you before Monday: the pizza guzzling husband, the tubby friends who arrive at your door all smiles and packets of Pringles; and my particular nemesis: restaurants that don't do 'healthy' anything.

So what's a girl to do? Stay in, eat carrots and hunker down till Monday with a tub of cottage cheese? God no! I'm going to do what any good general would do. PLAN, TOOL UP, and FIGHT BACK!

As Mr T would say: ' I pity the fool that messes with my healthy weekend!'

See you Monday, when my scales await!

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!