15 July 2009

I'm on the rebound

Ha! Got you! You thought I was going to confess that I'd messed up already, didn't you?

No sireee, it's day 3 and I'm eating Weetabix like a pro, have broken with previously ingrained protocol by giving FRUIT a look-in before noon, and I'm learning to love tap water.

And Mr Slimma's still here, so I'm not on that kind of rebound either.

No, today I'm talking 'rebounding'. That's mini-trampolining to you and me. I bought one when dinosaurs last roamed the earth and after an initial burst of enthusiasic bouncing it's been fossilizing in the garage ever since.

But according to NASA I really can burn 'gazillions' of calories by attempting to defy gravity on one of these babies. So this morning I dusted it down and was preparing for launch... you know, doing all the usual stuff like...

1. Prepare suitable indoor launchpad (you didn't really think I was going to let anyone watch did you?) with high enough ceiling. Check.

2. Strap into a boulder-holder sturdy enough to prevent eye injuries. Check.

3. Dig out some inspirational music for lift off. Check.

4. Notify next of kin. Check.

So I climbed aboard, found my balance and was just about to 'go-for-launch' when a little voice inside screamed: 'Abort! Abort!'

Perhaps best let the Weetabix and fruit digest first, eh?


Unknown said...

I am delighted to support a wonam who is losing it - if only to prove to myself it can be done - but so much better by someone else!!!!

I am now trying the positive speak to myself about losing all this 'tubbiness' that seems to have adhered itself to my middle body without prior permission of the owner!!!

However I do realise that if all it took was me talking to myself I would be a stick insect at this stage (I could talk for Ireland and the rest of the world too!) so I am using the positive speak to encourage my inner slim person to re-incarnate to the outside!!! I know she can do it! and so can yours!!!!!!!!!!

To be serious (only for a moment otherside I will end up in tears) this positive speak to myself does seem to be having an effect on what and when I eat. I at least stop and think for a moment is what I am about to eat healthy or necessary - I dont always win the battle but its getting better.

I offer you the support of another 'tubby' person who is sick of the spare tyre and even if we only keep each other laughing - well that using calories too!!

Can you do it----------YES YOU CAN (sorry Barrack!)

Tubs n' Tyres

Selina Prager said...

Hi Slimma,

I find your blog really entertaining and can't wait to read more! I may want to suggest another blog of a professional slimmer I've been following for a while... She isn't always as entertaining as you, but you might enjoy comparing notes with this committed slimmer... http://orsoni.blogspot.com/

Blogga said...

Thanks everyone...keep on following. It's going to be some ride!

Julesritter.com said...

Hello Slimma! Well done for starting this. Very entertaining. Having struggled to lose my baby fat here are my tips if you are interested. Low fat natural yoghurt makes a a great non-fattening snack. Drink tons of water, make it your best friend and eat as early in the evening as you can - even if that means before Mr. S. I used a well-known point counting slimming system and it worked as you can factor in your own treats. (Mine was a glass of wine with dinner at night and even if dinner was on the light sideit still felt like dinner as I had my glass of wine). The psychological effect in that last comment is not to be understimated. I will be following you, best of luck, just remember be patient. It took me about 4 months to lose 4 kgs but they have stay away.

Blogga said...

Cheers Jules...I'm in it for the long haul - no quick fix. Thanks for the tips too. I'm following a similar system, but with a bit less counting, which suits me. Numbers were never my thing!

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!