7 September 2009

The Brain Game

I’m taking issue with the Stress Relief Tip Of The Day gadget down below. Normally I think the tips are pretty good but last week there was one recommending the use of positive affirmations. You know, when you feel like you’ve been run over by a train, but you say to yourself, ‘I’m feeling relaxed and in control’.


Here’s what happens when you do that. . .

The reality: You feel like you’ve been run over by a train.

You say: ‘I’m feeling relaxed and confident’.

Your brain replies: ‘Yeah, right! You’re a gibbering wreck, pull the other one!

You try again: ‘No, I AM feeling relaxed and confident!’

Your brain persists: ‘And I’m feeling Daniel Craig’s chest hair. C’mon, get over yourself. You’re a head case!’

So you can affirm your little heart away if you want to, but your brain wasn’t born yesterday. If you want to get your noggin on side you have to be a bit cannier with the words you use.

Sidle up to your brain and whisper: “I’m now allowing myself to feel more and more relaxed and confident.’

Hear that?

Yeah baby, the sound of silence. Now that's what I'm talking about!

See, your brain can’t actually deny that you are ‘now allowing yourself’ to relax and feel more confident. You’re not fibbing, so she’ll (yes she, you didn't think something as clever as a brain could possibly be male, did you?) at least give you the benefit of the doubt.

Me? Every day I tell myself, ‘I’m allowing myself to lose weight by blogging.’
And while ‘the grey one upstairs’ still sends Inner Bitch to test my commitment from time to time, even she has to admit that the scales don’t lie!

Minus another 1lb and counting…

Here's another way of looking at it...

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!