16 September 2009

Finding some BIG PEACE

Still on hols till 25 Sept so not blogging daily, but just had to drop in and tell you about...

Well, this is turning out to be one hell of a holiday. I've been working, doing DIY, cooking for relatives and basically doing a whole load of chores that I can't find listed anywhere in the dictionary under 'holiday'.

So it's a good thing I've started reading Suzy Greaves' new book, The Big Peace (how to find yourself without going anywhere).

If you don't know Suzy already, she's one of the UK's top life coaches - and no, I'm not just saying that. She's been coaching me for a couple of years as I make a Big Leap. I'm still a work in progress of course, and the thud of her new book landing on my doorstep this morning couldn't have been better timed.

See, I've been bitching and moaning to Inner Goddess all morning about the fact that I'm not off anywhere exotic. Then I was whining that I've probably gained weight since this so-called holiday started and about how unfair that is (I'm not visiting the scales this week, by the way!). So I shouldn't really have been surprised when the universe promptly delivered a dose of food poisoning that had me confined to the loo at Sainsbury's for about 40 minutes. The universe must REALLY hate whiners - have you ever been in a loo at Sainsbury's?

Anyway, I'm only a few pages in, but I'm pleased to report that this read is already making me feel a whole lot lighter, calmer, sunnier - and no, there's not a Dairy Milk in sight, either! Suzy has simply reminded me that happiness is not to be found at the end of a rainbow. It's here, it's NOW, and I'd better get busy noticing or I'll bloomin' well miss it.

So here I am. Noticing it, blogging, smiling, and even beginning to feel perversely thankful that I lost that lunch (must have been at least 3lb!). So thanks Suzy once again - you're an absolute star, and your book's a real winner.

If you could do with finding your BIG PEACE, why not sign up to Suzy's BIG PEACE LIVE programme which starts early October. Find out how to revel in being flawed AND fabulous. Hemp shirts entirely optional, SOH a must.

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!