28 October 2009

The 'other' voices in my head

I've mentioned being a fan of hypnotherapy before. I love it. I use it to help me lose weight, stay positive and also for bouts of insomnia. When I sleep well I sleep really well, but sometimes I get into a pattern where I just can't switch off the daft thoughts in my head. That's when I reach for the ipod.

I have a couple of favourites...

At the moment, Ultimate Unwind a recording created by renowned clinical hypnotherapist Georgia Foster for space to be is the absolute best of the bunch for those nights when I'm far too busy rabbiting on at myself in bed to shut off and sleep. I've tried polishing shoes (My doctor's advice. He must live a wild, exciting life!) and the hot glass of milk thing but nothing takes me to the land of nod as fast as Georgia's antipodean commands. Even better, she doesn't insist I wake up at the end of the recording either. Not that I ever make it to the end anymore. Mr Slimma reckons I manage max 10 mins before I'm doing a sleeping beauty (read snoring and drooling on the pillow).

I've been taking Georgia to bed for a while now actually. Mr Slimma's probably getting jealous. But I credit her book and CD The Weight Less Mind big time for helping me ditch dieting forever.

So today I'm delighted to award Georgia 'a Slimma' for 'Services to Over-alert Lardy Folk'. I hope she likes it. It's far more prestigious than an Oscar - and you don't need to kiss ass or make a tearful speech to get one!

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!