6 October 2009

Say cheese!

Did you see this story?...

Pregnant woman had to lie to buy cheese

What's next? Are the orange bods at Sainsbury's now going to accost me at the till with the news that I'm too fat to eat chocolate, or force me to eat oily fish so I get enough Omega 3 and 6? Please tell me I imagined this whole debacle, that I'm hallucinating, that it's April Fool's Day and I've just fallen for the joke! Somebody, anybody, please?

If not, I'm going to really have to excercise my fibbing muscles.
"Well, you see, I NEED the chocolate to survive. If I don't get at least 100g a day, I get terribly violent and attack people wearing orange. It can get messy. What's that? Yes, of course you can see my note from the doctor..."

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!