20 October 2009

Back to the grindstone

Now that I've recovered from my whopping autumn cold, I'm declaring right here and now that I refuse to accept another one till next year. All that daytime telly, dozing everywhere and a week long Lemsip high doesn't half take its toll. I seriously lost the will to slim.

So after allowing myself one last delirious cheesecake-eating frenzy last night during Flashforward it's back to weekday blogging, healthy meals, and a little bit of anything that approximates to exercise.

Inner Goddess is doing her darndest to get me out of my scratcher in the dark mornings too. Inner Sloth isn't convinced, though, and neither am I.

Inner Sloth: Your body is telling you it needs more sleep. So allow yourself to sleep!'

IG: Your body is also telling you to shift your blacmangey bum round the park too, but I don't see you listening to that bit of advice. Funny that.

Me: (Yawning) All in good time. Just a few more z's and I'll be skipping through the leaves and shedding pounds again before you can say zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Looks like it's going to be a tough week in Slimville.

No comments:

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!