21 August 2009

Bonfire of the insanities

That's it! I'm going to do it. I'm going to throw out ALL my size 20 clothes today.

Inner Bitch: Ooohh, do you really think that's such a good idea, Tubs?

Me: What do you mean? I've no intention of losing all this weight to put it all back on again. That's the whole point of the blog for a start. I have said it's my LAST EVER weight loss mission, and I kinda like to think I'm a woman of my word!

IB: Yeah, not saying you don't believe you'll do it, but what does that have to do with reality? You're a big girl, you like eating a lot, why can't you just accept your porcine destiny?"

Me: Destiny? Are you kidding? I wasn't always a big girl. One upon a time I even got a bit too thin. Anyway, why am I even talking to you? You're just a miserable voice in my head. I told you to take a hike 3 weeks ago, so hop it!

IB (skulking back into the wardrobe): Fine, but don't come crawling to me next year when you've nothing to wear!

Me: Right, where was I? OK, better make two piles. Some stuff's ok for the charity shop, and the rest should go in the bin. No, wait, this is a big deal, this is farewell size 20 forever! Binning just seems like such an anti-climax.

Inner Goddess: Nothing says forever like a bonfire!

Me: Oooh, I'm liking your thinking, girlfriend. Let's go!

Don't worry, Edinburgh, there will be no drumming, wooping or naked cavorting to lower the tone.

See you Monday!

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!