20 August 2009

My kitchen hall of shame

I’m no chef, but when we moved to a house with a smaller kitchen recently we discovered we had quite a lot of kitchen gadgets gathering dust.

So before they are recycled or consigned to the garage, I thought I’d wheel them out for a little ‘blog exhibition’.

So… in date of purchase order, without further ado, may I present…

The fondue set: Cast your mind back to the 80s, when shoulder pads were in and eating a gallon of melted cheese in one sitting seemed like the most natural thing in the world. Ah the memories! Like the time I singed my beautifully crimped hair on the burner and gave all my guests food poisoning.

Moving on a decade now, here we have…

The juicer: A really practical ‘objet de cuisine’ if you really like juice. And I mean really. This particular model was purchased at the height of my insane lose-weight-by-drinking-fresh-juice campaign, and comes complete with a recipe book written by a strange little man in shorts who probably mainlines the stuff. Like so many of its kind, this model was abandoned approximately 1 month after purchase - when I discovered that is how long it takes to clean it.

Ah, the breadmaker: Nothing beats the smell of freshly baked bread in the morning! But it does help if you remember to turn it on the night before. Because this cheap, early model simply could not be rushed. Even if you did remember to turn it on you’d be lucky to get one slice of toast out of it. The moral of this story? You get what you pay for!

And mama mia, last but not least, we have this fine 20th century example of a pasta maker: A Mr Slimma purchase inspired by a trip to Rome and his sadly short-lived fad for cooking ‘real’ Italian food (or any food for that matter!). Abandoned shortly after I came home from town one day to find he’d almost been devoured by a triffid-like invasion of 20ft long spaghetti strands.

Got anything you’d like to exibit?

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!