18 August 2009

It's one of 'those' days...

Well, I made it to the page, I mean screen. Was beginning to wonder if I'd ever get here as I'm definitely having 'one of those days'. From stubbing my toe getting out the shower to pouring coffee on my Weetabix instead of milk, I'm clearly on a roll.

And I can't even put this wave of clumsiness down to 'my cycle'. But when Inner Sloth suggested that a few more hours kip would do me the world of good, I was more than ready to believe her. After all, I'm sure I heard someone on a bus last week say clumisness is an early sign swine flu. Can't be too careful...

But oh no, Inner Goddess wasn't having any of it…

IG: What do you mean you're too tired to blog? It's a blog, how hard can it be? It's not like you're revising the Magna Carta!

So here I am folks, but let me state for the record that I am here under duress! IG is now blocking the doorway and trying to intimidate me with a Paddington Bear hard stare. I'm sure Amnesty International would have something to say about this.

IG: And when you're done, a few laps round the park wouldn't go amiss, either. I let you enjoy your steak and chips every week and I'm prepared to overlook the extra glass or three of wine you didn't think I saw you consume on Friday night, but don't think you can slack off now just because you've lost your first stone. You've got a long way to go lady, and I'm going to make sure you get there!

Me: Damn you, imagination, damn you! Where the hell is the 'off' switch?

IG: I heard that!

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!