25 August 2009

Fat blind terrorist cows and other stories...

Yesterday was a funny old day in the news. Beyond the Lockerbie furore, there was the story about the terrifying trend of ramblers being trampled to death by… cows! (The cynic in me just can't help wondering if that was a plant of a story - Forget Lockerbie, folks, cows are the new terrorists!)

But the story that really caught my eye was the one declaring that we are now officially the second fattest nation on earth. No prizes for guessing who takes the gold!

But wait, it gets even better because apparently we are not just a nation of fatties, we are a nation of ‘blind fatties’ that aren’t even aware we are fat!

Blind? I don't think so. We may only be a little devolved nation these days, but when it comes to stubbornness, we are world leaders.

If we aint going to let anyone tell us what to do with our legal process, we certainly aint going to let any begger tell us to stop eating deep fried mars bars either. So there!

But maybe I will cut down, just a tad!

Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!