14 August 2009

Permission to eat granted!

I still have one. A good appetite, that is. Always have had, always will. And not even my determination to shed the extra lard once and for all is going to change that. Nor would I want it to.

Because, as I live and breathe, I SIMPLY LOVE FOOD. It’s flamin’ fantastic!

So I figured that if I was to have any chance of succeeding at this last ever weight loss mission, I’d make a big effort to cook healthier version of foods I already like, and then get a grip of my portion sizes. After all, I’m not entering an Iron Man contest any time soon, so I really don’t need to eat a whole cow – a small steak will do the trick!

I also have a few rules: All food groups must be included, and the feeling of DENIAL is to be avoided at all costs. Because as soon as I feel I deny myself any food group, the rebel in me will have me running for the nearest, biggest bar of chocolate instead. (What? You don’t?!)

Strange when you think about it – the denial of one food setting off a chain reaction that results in the eating of another, usually far less healthy one! But there you go. That’s just my personal brand of food-crazy.

But I can take comfort in the knowledge that I’m not the only weirdo out there. There are billions of us. There’s almost always an element of crazy in the weight loss fraternity. Some even form tribes that speak in languages unintelligible to the outside world - languages full of points and checks and balances, and, if you're really lucky, bonuses!

Oh yes, whatever brand of food-crazy you’re into, you are not alone!

There is a tribe for you.

So why can’t I get the lyrics to Hotel California out of my head?


Chill! Losing weight is hard enough!

Feel like snacking? Go pop some bubble wrap instead!